SURVEY: Understanding the Current Cancer Pharmacy Technician Landscape
The Pharmacy Technician Subcommittee and Research Subcommittee are conducting an education survey to find out the current level of education and training available to pharmacy technicians and the support they receive locally regarding pharmacy counselling on Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapies (SACT) and SACT prescription verification.
Over the past decade, pharmacy technicians’ roles have grown rapidly, and a better understanding of the local education and training infrastructure would help identify gaps or differences in training, as well as improving access to materials for healthcare providers, trainers, and technicians.
This survey also aims to gather information about your current qualifications, your role and responsibilities, and any further education you plan to pursue. The knowledge will contribute to the development of BOPA’s workforce pillar, the job and workforce planning.
Link to the survey –
Results will be shared via BOPA, and your responses will be anonymous.
The term SACT refers to cytotoxic chemotherapy, immunotherapies, targeted therapies, and other pharmacotherapies for treating cancer.
It should take 20 -25 minutes to complete.
Sent on behalf
Pharmacy Technicians Subcommittee and Research Subcommittee