2022 UK Interdisciplinary Breast Cancer Symposium
Don’t forget to register for the 2022 UK Interdisciplinary Breast Cancer Symposium to be held on-line on Monday 24 January and Tuesday 25 January.
Registration for this meeting is free.
You can find the up to date programme and details of faculty speakers on the UKIBCS website www.ukibcs.org. You can also download the UKIBCS app from your app store.
We will have a single stream of presentations, where we will hear from speakers from the UK and beyond on the latest developments in these areas:
- Prevention and early diagnosis
- Early breast cancer – diagnosis and local treatment
- Early breast cancer – systemic treatment
- Metastatic breast cancer treatment
- Translational and basic science
- Living with and beyond breast cancer
- The future of cancer services and research
The UKIBCS is a multidisciplinary meeting and we look forward to welcoming all delegates with an active interest in breast cancer research and treatment.