The Scottish Oncology Pharmacy Practice Group is a Specialist Interest Group with an Executive Committee whose remit is to improve the quality of pharmaceutical care provided to patients with cancer through:
Contributing to defining, setting and auditing standards of care
Promoting education and training in cancer pharmacy (including an annual conference)
Promoting communication and networking
Promoting research and development
Co-ordination of effort to meet National Strategic Priorities (where possible via a “Once For Scotland” approach)
Respond to national consultations relating to SACT services and acting as professional advisory group to the Directors of Pharmacy in Scotland
Promoting efficiencies, shared learning and risk management strategies
Membership of the Executive Committee comprises:
the three Regional Cancer Care Pharmacists – North Cancer Alliance (NCA), South East Scotland cancer Network (SCAN), West of Scotland Cancer Network (WoSCAN)
the Lead Cancer Pharmacist from each of the NHS Scotland Boards with a cancer centre or unit
National Clinical Lead, Cancer Medicines
Scottish Cancer Network Lead Pharmacist(s)
Pharmacist representatives from:- Cancer Medicines Outcome Programme (CMOP), National Cancer Medicines Advisory Group (NCMAG) Programme, Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC), National SACT Data Group, Regional CEPAS Leads, Paediatric Oncology
Pharmacy Technician (as lead of a pharmacy technician sub-group and representing all regions/boards)
BOPA Committee member (from current membership)
The group is currently chaired by Heather Dalrymple ([email protected]).
Specialist Advisory Groups
There are several specialist interest groups with BOPA. The groups and BOPA work together jointly to promote excellence in the pharmaceutical care of patients with cancer through education, communication, research or innovation.
There are several subcommittees & working groups that report directly to the Executive Committee each month. These subcommittees & working groups support the executive committee and keep the organisation at the forefront of care.
The Executive Committee work on behalf of the BOPA members to prioritise and co-ordinate the many activities and workstreams required to achieve our goals
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