SAVE THE DATE – NHSE Chemotherapy dose standardisation meeting. Bristol March 15th 2017
SAVE THE DATE – NHS E Medicines Optimisation CRG: Chemotherapy dose standardisation meeting. Bristol March 15th 2017
NHS England Optimisation CRG are organising a ‘South’ study day for hospital pharmacists and industry representatives on implementing the national strategy on dose standardisation
This will take place on March 15th in Central Bristol. This is similar to the ‘North’ meeting held last year in manchester, but
The day will cover the following topics:
• The cancer drugs fund – implementing cost effective treatments
• Improving Value in Chemotherapy
• Dose Banding. Science, Evidence and Controversies
• Rituximab and all its friends; how much and when?
• Impact of dose standardisation on NHS Aseptic Units
• Production and procurement of chemotherapy in standardised doses
• Nursing aspects of dose standardisation
• Creating a sustainable framework for dose standardisation
Further details of the programme and how to register for the day will be made available in January. In the meantime, please note the date.