National generic immunotherapy consent form
The consent form project team is pleased to announce that the national generic immunotherapy consent form has been reviewed and is now available on the CRUK website at:
The national generic immunotherapy consent form was first published and available for use on the CRUK website in December 2016. During the process of revalidation, in collaboration with the SACT consent form national steering group, and taking into consideration users feedback over the years, we have made some changes to the reviewed version. Some of the changes include:
- Tick box for gender removed.
- A small section on compliance with clinical management guideline/protocol added to page 3.
- Footer note included on all 5 pages where the specific immunotherapy drug name can be documented.
- A link to the SACT treatment record on page 3
- A statement and link on page 5 referring to the NHS Scotland legal framework
We are very close to completing the reviews for the breast consent forms. We will inform you of their availability on the CRUK webpage in due course.
Please share this update within your clinical teams or forward to the relevant lead cancer clinician for your organisation.