Celebrate Pride Month Webinar: Clinical considerations for the safe and effective prescribing for trans individuals living with cancer
RegisterTo celebrate Pride Month, BOPA is organising a webinar on clinical considerations for the safe and effective prescribing for trans individuals living with cancer. This event will be amplified by the European Cancer Organisation who members will be able to join this event.
Date: Thursday, 6th June 2024 ; 13:00-14:00 UK time (14:00-15:00 CET)
Stewart O’Callaghan, Founder and CEO, OUTPATIENTs
Mariachiara D’Elia, Member of BOPA EDI sub-committee; pharmacist at Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Shereen Nabhani-Gebara, BOPA vice-chair and chair of EDI sub-committee; Associate professor of Oncology at Kingston University
In this session, the speakers will discuss the newly launched guide that supports healthcare professionals to deliver an inclusive consultation while considering pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic parameters that might influence prescribing decisions.
This guide is the result of a collaboration between OUTPATIENTs and BOPA.
Name: British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA)
Email: [email protected]
Virtual – Online