Countdown to BOPA 2017 – Time to submit your abstract!
Time is ticking away and its now time to get your research, audit or service evaluation abstract submitted for the 2017 Symposium!
The deadline for submission is next week – 5pm on Friday 16th June.
BREAKING NEWS- The committee has agreed to accepting submissions over the weekend – so if your’re worried about getting it done in time a bit of breathing space. We won’t acccept anything after 11.00am Monday 19th.
In support of the BOPA Research Strategy the 2017 conference will have a greater focus on the practice-based research of its members. To achieve this, members will be chosen to present their work at an extended plenary session during the conference with the best overall oral poster presentation (voted by all attendees) receiving a prize worth up to £2,000 to attend an international conference. Delegates are invited to present results of their clinical and technical work as a poster with some selected as an oral presentation.
The author/s should submit to Succint Communications by 5pm on Friday 16 June 2017, an abstract of the work to be presented. Abstracts will be reviewed and marked by the BOPA Audit and Research Sub-Committee, and chosen authors wil be invited to display their poster for the duration of the conference, with the posters achieving the highest marks selected for oral presentation.
New for 2017:
All successful abstracts will be published in a supplement to the Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice (JOPP), providing authors with a citation in a peer reviewed journal.
Click HERE For detailed guidance and the link to submit your abstract.