British Biosimilars Association
BOPA is building links with the British Biosimilars Association BBA. The BOPA committee is keen to support our members dealing with the work of managing the introduction of biosimilars, and so is talking to the BBA about how we can work togeather can support BOPA members.
The BBA site is worth a look as it has a good resources section that pull’s togeather a lot of key resources on biosimilars( expect to see BOPA there soon).
BOPA is also starting to work with the manufacturers of e-prescribing systems to see what can be done by the manufacturers to make their systems support the introduction of biosimilars more easily. I’ll keep you posted as things develop, as we’ve had lots of feedback on the time people face changing their systems to ensure biosimilars are prescribed correctly, i.e. rituxumab (Mabthera) or rituxumab (Truxima) or rituximab (Rixathon) and recreasting multiple protocols, so BOPA is keen to push for key stakeholders to work togeather to make it easier.