National service evaluation for paclitaxel HSRs






Date 23rd June 2020

Dear BOPA members,

We are all very aware of concerns from our members regarding the ongoing supply shortages of ranitidine. Many hospitals will be forced to amend pre-medication regimens to an alternative where there is sparse experience and it is imperative that we collect data that assures us that patient safety is not compromised.

As Co-chair of BOPA, I would like to invite you to take part in a national service evaluation of paclitaxel pre-medication regimes designed by myself in collaboration with Calum Polwart and Pinkie Chambers. Calum has created a bespoke data collection tool (in Excel format) to minimise the administrative burden.

We strongly encourage you to collaborate on this project, so collectively we can gain a better understanding of the impact of changes in practice results from the shortage.

What to do next?

Email me to let us know you are participating ([email protected]). I will send you the data collection tool and an instruction sheet for participants, and we can then keep in touch with you throughout the evaluation period.

Although we have logged the evaluation with the BOPA executive committee and A&R subcommittee, you will still need to register your data collection as a service evaluation at your Trust.

Data collection will take place over a six-month period from 1st July to 31st December (the end date may be amended depending on the amount of data received). We will keep a check on numbers collected and complete an interim analysis as soon as possible. Results of the interim analysis as well as the final results will be presented to participating centres in a timely fashion to assist in clinical decision-making.

If you have any concerns or queries, please contact a member of the team via the email addresses given below.

I will look forward to hearing from you!

Best Wishes

Emma Foreman
Co-chair, British Oncology Pharmacy Association

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