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A Life in a Day: the power of empathy training strategies and their impact on clinical practice


Start date: 07/02/23

Start time: 13:00pm

End date: 07/02/23

End time: 14:00pm

Join BOPA vice chair Emma Foreman and A Life in a Day Founder Mark Doyle on 7 February as they discuss the power of empathy training strategies and their impact on clinical practice.

Time and Date: Tue 7 Feb 1pm GMT / 2pm CET

Earlier in November authors from British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA) and UK Oncology Nursing Society (UKONS), including Emma Foreman, published a research paper with their results showcasing the impact role reversal system (RRS) such as A Life in a Day has on increasing empathy and changing practice in HCPs.

At the same time reports into compassion fatigue, or empathy burnout, describe the impact and the ‘cost of caring’. Are we going too far with promoting the need to be empathetic?

In this webinar, we will review the report and discuss the impact RRS can have on healthcare professionals and the wider healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors. We will also tackle questions including:

  • How can RSS inspire changes in clinical practise?
  • Who benefits most – medical students? Nursing staff? Consultants?
  • In a challenging financial environment – should budgets for softer skills development be a priority?

Contact us before the webinar on 7 February with any questions you may wish to propose to Mark or Emma below.

More details at:  https://alifeinaday.co.uk/2023/01/03/should-hcps-receive-training-to-be-more-empathetic-will-it-benefit-patients-or-is-there-a-danger-of-empathy-fatigue/ 


Name: British Oncology Pharmacy Association (BOPA)

Email: [email protected]

Virtual – Online