Delphi Consensus Meeting on Tuesday 26th September 2023 at 7pm (BST)
You may be aware that there is some concern about the compatibility of certain brands of folinic acid with oxaliplatin. A group of pharmacists, on behalf of the British Oncology Pharmacy Association would like to develop a national consensus on the best approach to handling this situation.
They are planning to hold an on-line delphi consensus meeting on Tuesday 26th September 2023 at 7pm (BST). The aim is to review the published information and then (if possible) to reach a consensus. We are looking for UK based:
- Pharmacists & Pharmacy Technicians with clinical backgrounds where infusional fluorouracil with folinic acid are routinely used
- Pharmacists & Pharmacy Technicians or other experts from Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Health Informatics and Aseptic backgrounds
- Pharmacists or Pharmacy Technicians with involvement in medicines procurement
- Medication Safety Officers
- Medical or clinical oncologists with significant experience in the design of folinic acid based chemotherapy protocols
- Other multi-disciplinary team members, including chemotherapy nurses, with relevant expertise
to participate in an on-line meeting lasting up to 90 minutes. The meeting will present an overview of the available data and present a number of proposed solutions to be considered by the audience. The audience will be expected to participate in a series of votes during the meeting. Participation is open to BOPA and non-BOPA members.
The purpose of the meeting would be to produce a document that can be published.
If you would be willing to participate please complete the online registration form here:
Participants will be contacted by email with further information nearer the time including login details for the meeting and some pre-reading materials.